Monday, January 26, 2009

About this blog

The promise of our species is to become a Spacefaring species. The most obvious initial destination is our neighboring planet away from the sun. The red planet...In this blog i share and ponder the exploration and colonization of Mars.

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Spacefaring societies or nations are those capable of building and launching vehicles into space.[1][2] A more strict criteria defines spacefaring nations as those that can build, launch and return human spaceflight missions. "Spacefaring" is analogous to seafaring.

Spacefaring requires the vehicle assembly and launch facilities, as well as advanced astronautics, and a program to train astronauts. The problems of life support must be solved in proportion to the distance travelled. Presently there has never been a manned mission outside of the Earth-Moon system, though the dream of travelling to Mars is persistent in literature and popular culture. from

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